4.5 Personality 성향
Young people who drink in great quantities on a regular basis and who experience more negative consequences as a result of their drinking are more likely to be classified as impulsive, dominant, tough-minded, extraverted and sensation, pleasure or novelty seeking individuals. Such individuals have also been characterised as showing disinhibition, deviancy, rebelliousness and less behavioural control as well as being non-conforming, radical and less committed to conventional values than less regular or lighter drinkers.
정기적으로 많은 양을 마시고 술을 마실 때 더 부정적인 결과를 경험하는 젊은 사람들은 충동적이고, 권위적이며, 터프하고, 외설적이며, 감각적이며, 쾌락을 추구하는 사람으로 분류 될 가능성이 큽니다. 그러한 개인들은 또한 덜 규칙적이거나 가벼운 음주자에 비해 전통적인 가치관에 덜 헌신하고, 부적절하고, 급진적이고, 덜 독창적이고, 반사회적이고, 행동 통제가 적은 것으로 특징 지어졌습니다.
However, Brennan et al. (1986) found conflicting evidence concerning the relationship between heavy alcohol use amongst college students and the presence of anxiety and neuroticism. These authors concluded that two types of heavy drinkers existed, whose expectancies related to differing personality types; those seeking out of stimulus- enhancing effects and those seeking tension-reduction effects. Heavy-drinkers who were more neurotic were found to be more likely to drink to intoxication.
그러나, Brennan et al. (1986)은 대학생 그룹에서 과음과 불안 및 신경쇄약증의 관계에 대한 상충되는 증거를 발견했습니다. 이 연구자들은 두 종류의 알코올 중독자가 존재한다고 결론을 내렸습니다. 그들의 결론은 다른 성격 유형과 관련이 있습니다. 자극 강화 효과를 추구하는 사람들과 긴장 완화 효과를 찾는 사람들이 그 유형입니다. 신경증이 심했던 과음자는 술에 취하게 될 확률이 더 높았습니다.
Saltz and Elandt (1986) examined the relationship between anxiety, anger or depression and the use of alcohol and found that heavy drinkers reported feeling less anxious in dangerous situations and while interacting with members of the opposite sex. Both impulsive and sensation-seeking drinking and stress / anxiety-based drinking have been associated with both increased alcohol consumption and increased negative consequences. There is some evidence that stress/anxiety based drinking is associated with long-term and more severe negative outcomes. However, even highly sociable drinking can result in negative consequences for college students.
Kuntsche et al. (2006) also linked ‘extraversion and sensation seeking’ and ‘neuroticism and anxiety’ to drinking motives. The former correlated with enhancement factors and was most common in boys whilst the latter correlated with coping factors and was most common in girls. These associations varied across countries but not across different ethnic groups within the same culture. This review concluded that these two personality types may be gender-specific and that as drinking motives did not emerge until adolescence this may account for the increased severity of drinking problems in college populations. Although the latter is also likely to be influenced by such issues as growing independence in college students and the increased availability of alcohol in this context. Nevertheless, from a preventative perspective, it may be useful to focus on extraverted sensation seeking males who drink for enhancement motives and neurotic anxious females who drink for coping motives.
Saltz and Elandt (1986)는 불안, 분노 또는 우울증과 술의 관계에 대해 조사한 결과 음주자가 위험한 상황이나 이성과의 상호 작용하는 동안 불안감을 덜 느끼는 것으로 나타났습니다. 충동 및 감각 추구의 음주 및 스트레스 / 불안에 근거한 음주는 증가 된 음주 및 부정적인 결과의 증가와 관련이 있습니다. 스트레스 / 불안에 근거한 음주는 장기적이고 더 심각한 부정적인 결과와 관련이 있다는 증거가 있습니다. 사교적 음주도 대학생들에게 부정적인 결과를 초래할 수 있습니다. Kuntsche et al. (2006)은 음주 동기에 '외향성과 감각 추구'와 '신경증과 불안'을 연관시켰습니다. 전자는 향상 요인과 관련이 있으며 소년에서 가장 흔한 반면 후자는 대처 요인과 관련이 있으며 소녀에게서 가장 흔했습니다. 이러한 연관성은 국가마다 다르지만 같은 문화권 내 다른 민족 집단 간에도 차이가 있습니다. 이 검토는 두 가지 성격 유형이 성별에 따라 다를 수 있으며 청소년기까지 음주 동기가 나타나지 않아 대학 인구의 음주 문제의 심각성을 설명 할 수 있다고 결론지었습니다. 후자는 대학생들의 독립성 증대와 이러한 맥락에서의 음주 증가와 같은 문제들에 의해 영향을 받기 쉽습니다.
Dimensions of personality, such as a tendency toward sensation seeking, may relate not only to drinking but to the choice of drinking partners and drinking venues. Therefore it is necessary for future research to try and integrate all these variables and examine the influence of each of them on behaviour. Several researchers have begun examining multivariate models of individual differences among college students by taking into account demographic factors, drinking motives, expectancies and personality factors simultaneously.
감각 추구 경향과 같은 성격의 차원은 음주뿐만 아니라 음주 파트너 및 음주 장소의 선택과 관련 될 수 있습니다. 그러므로 앞으로의 연구를 위해 모든 변수를 통합하고 각 변수가 행동에 미치는 영향을 조사 할 필요가 있습니다. 여러 연구자들은 인구 통계 학적 요인, 음주 동기, 기대치 및 성격 요소를 동시에 고려하여 대학생들 사이의 개인차 차이에 대한 다변량 모델을 조사하기 시작했습니다.
Kuntche et al.(2005) refer to the ‘motivational model of alcohol use’ that a motive or reason is a ‘necessary condition for drinking’. They describe ‘four categories of drinking motives’. These include ‘…to enhance positive mood or well-being… to obtain social rewards… to attenuate negative emotions and to avoid social rejection’. Motives may be conscious or unconscious. A related concept of alcohol expectancies refers to beliefs about the cognitive, affective and behavioural effects of alcohol which can be both positive (“drinking allows me to relax”) and negative (“when I drink, I often say things that I regret later”).
Brennan et al. (1986) examined motives for drinking in college students and identified two general types of drinking motives: drinking for social purposes and drinking for emotional escape or coping purposes. In fact five of the eight papers reviewed by Brennan et al. (1986) discussed alcohol consumption for coping purposes. Conversely, Kuntsche et al. (2005) reported that the majority of drinkers volunteer social motives (e.g. to make a party more enjoyable) which were associated with moderate drinking; drinking for coping purposes was associated with heavy drinking or binge drinking.
Burke and Stephens (1999) cite a study by Smith et al. (1995) in which 461 male and female seventh graders (around 12 years of age) completed questionnaires looking at their alcohol use and alcohol expectancies and were reassessed at 12 and 24 months. The results showed that when controlling for pre-existing alcohol use, positive alcohol expectancies was a significant predictor of both early alcohol initiation and subsequent higher levels of alcohol use. Low expectancy teenagers either did not begin to drink at all or increased their drinking only gradually. A similar conclusion was also reached by Baer (2002)and more recently in 2007 by Borsari et al.
In summary, there appear to be some social advantages of alcohol consumption for college students, particularly during their first year at college when social identity is paramount. Indeed, enhancement motives such as drinking to have a good time or to enjoy a party more do not seem to have a strong association with alcohol problems. Drinking to cope with negative emotional states or to reduce tension is consistently associated with alcohol-related problems in college contexts. However, these high rates of drinking subsequently fall once students graduate from college.
Thus the expectancy that consuming large quantities of alcohol will produce positive effects such as reduction of social and sexual inhibition and indifference to potentially negative effects such as cognitive impairment is associated with high risk drinking. However, a direct relationship between personality type, alcohol expectancies and drinking behaviour cannot be conclusively drawn due to the cross-sectional and small-scale nature of the studies in this area.
요약하면, 특히 대학생의 사회적 신분이 가장 중요한 1학년 때에 대학생들에게 술 소비의 사회적 이점이있는 것으로 보입니다. 실제로, 술을 마시거나 즐거운 시간을 보내거나 파티를 즐기는 등의 동기는 알코올 문제와 밀접한 관련이있는 것 같지 않습니다. 부정적인 정서적인 상태에 대처하거나 긴장을 줄이기 위해 술을 마시는 것은 대학 맥락에서 알코올 관련 문제와 일관되게 연관되어 있습니다. 그러나 이러한 높은 음주율은 학생들이 대학을 졸업하면 떨어지게 됩니다.
따라서 다량의 알코올을 섭취하면 사회적 및 성적 억제의 감소와 같은 긍정적인 효과가 나타나고, 인지 장애와 같은 잠재적으로 부정적인 영향에 대한 무관심은 고위험 음주와 관련됩니다. 그러나 성격 유형, 알코올 기대 효과 및 음주 행동 사이의 직접적인 관계는, 이 분야의 연구의 단면적 및 소규모 특성으로 인해 결정적으로 일반화 할 수 없습니다.
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