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술이 뇌와 행동에 미치는 영향-5

Motor Systems, Speed of Movement, and Interaction with Cognitive Control Processes: Then and Now (인지와 움직임 속도간의 상호작용-과거와 현재) Dramatic improvement occurs from acute alcohol intoxication to sobriety in eye–hand coordination, stability in gait and balance, and speeded performance. This clinically obvious improvement may have diminished the recognition of residual impairment in upper­ and lower­limb ..


술과 관련된 신경생물학적 연구의 역사2(끝)

지난 포스팅에 이어 알코올과 관련된 신경생물학적 연구의 역사에 대해 알아보고 마무리까지 하겠습니다.History of Neurobiological Studies in Alcohol Research-2Other Research Directions 기타 연구들It also is informative to consider ideas that have not contributed markedly to current science. One research theme of the 1970s was ethanol interactions with membrane lipids. The rationale was that ethanol is such a small nondescript molecule that it is u..


술과 관련된 신경생물학적 연구의 역사

알코올과 신경생물학적 연구의 역사History of Neurobiological Studies in Alcohol Research Looking at publications from the early 1970s, one is struck by the lack of research on alcohol’s actions on the brain. However, closer consideration shows that there also was a lack of neurobiology research in general; moreover, most of the techniques critical to modern neuroscience were not available in 1970. Behavioral ge..


술이 건강과 사회에 미치는 영향-9

지난 포스팅에 이어 술, 알코올이 영유아, 청소년에게 미치는 영향에 대해 계속 하고 마무리까지 하겠습니다.In addition, we have a particular responsibility to put as much separation as possible between alcohol, cars and young people. Cars and alcohol should never go together. That’s why the CYMRC supports the Government’s introduction of a zero blood-alcohol limit for teenage drivers, and enforcement of legislation to prevent young people fro..


술이 건강과 사회에 미치는 영향-8

술, 알코올이 영유아, 청소년에게 미치는 영향[ 선 요약 ]Alcohol-related harm can begin before birth, affecting the developing brain and body of the foetus when the mother drinks. Alcohol impacts on the quality of parenting, contributes to family violence, and leads to undersupervision of vulnerable infants and children.알코올과 관련된 상해는 출산 전에 산모의 뱃속에서부터 시작될 수 있으며, 산모가 을뭊를 하면 태아의 뇌와 신체 발달에 영향을 미칩니다. 육아의 질에 대한 알코올의 영향으로 가정 폭..
